Sermons & Announcements
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April 27, 2025, is date of our third annual Baby Shower to demonstrate our respect for life, in collaboration with Right to Life of St. Joseph County and St. Clare Catholic Church, Centreville. You may bring a gift just as for any friends' baby shower. These gifts will be divided between Pregnancy Helpline Center, Three Rivers, MI, and Pregnancy Helpline of St. Joseph County, Sturgis, MI, and delivered to these resource centers. Our purpose: support moms and dads in the delightful choice to raise sons and daughters -- a choice for LIFE!!
Notice all relevant information on this flyer. See you there! Anyone welcome who loves "Life. The other choice." We'll play games, enjoy desserts, and celebrate those choosing to honor Life.
The Rev. Philip R. Rittner II was installed Sunday, January 19, as Vacancy Pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Centreville. The Rev. Kurt Kuhlmann, St. John's Lutheran Church, Burr Oak, MI, conducted the installation ceremony. Rev. Rittner is a retired LCMS pastor, having been graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, IN, following a career in the United States Navy. He had served two tours in Vietnam and had been deployed during Desert Shield.
Not feeling ready to fully retire from ministry, Pastor Rittner was called and accepted a part time post at Centreville. From near Columbia City, IN, he and his wife, Deaconess Katherine Rittner, Director of the Food and Clothing Co-op at Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne, enjoy lakeside living.
Ordained in 2011, Rev. Rittner has enjoyed jail ministry, associating with military veterans, promoting Right to Life initiatives, and studying God's Word, the Bible. He conducts a Bible study which addresses readings of the day Sunday mornings at 8:45. Anyone is welcome to come learn. Worship is at 10 AM.
Rev. Roger L. Sassaman, former pastor at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, was unexpectedly, yet gloriously, called to heaven September 29, 2024.

Look at that fabulous ground beef, chopped vegetables filling, mounded and encased in a terrific pastry to be baked to perfection!! Did you say you would like some of these delightful delicacies on your dinner table? You may order by contacting to Mary Craaybeek on Facebook Messenger.
Place your pasties order by January 29th. Pick up is February 6th.